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Letter of Acceptance of Resignation from Employer (Sample)

When an employee of an organization tenders his resignation from the designated post, it is a general practice to provide a formal reply to the resignation letter by either accepting or rejecting it after due consideration by the appropriate officer.

sample of acceptance of resignation letter from employer
A question may arise as to which officer should sign the acceptance letter. The answer is - it may vary from organization to organization. There is no specific law on this as to which particular officer is responsible for this.

Generally, the acceptance letter comes from the Head of the Department in which the employee was posted. In other cases, the HR Head signs and issues the same. While in case of chief executives like CEO, CTO, Directors, etc., the Managing Director or the Chairman issue the acceptance letters.

Hereunder are two kinds of acceptance letters for your reference.

(Resignation Acceptance Letter from HR Head / HODs)

Ref: _________
Date: ________

(Name of the Employee)
(Communication Address)
Employee Code: ______

Sub.: Acknowledgement and acceptance of your resignation

Dear ________,

We are in receipt of your resignation letter submitted on (Date) by email to us. Your resignation has been accepted by (Name of the Officer), Head of the Department, (Department's Name). Please be informed that as per your employment agreement with the company, you are required to serve the required ___ days' notice period. We hope you will sincerely conduct your duties during this period.

You will then be relieved of your duties from (Organization's Name) on (Date), your last working day here. You are scheduled for an exit interview with your Department's Head on your last day of working on (Date). Please complete the handover process during the notice period and coordinate with the Finance & Payroll Department for completing the necessary documentation with regard to the Provident Fund, Gratuity, etc. matters and pending dues, if any.

It has been a pleasure to have you as an employee of the organization. Your performance, hardwork and dedication during the tenure of your service are highly appreciated.

We wish you all the very best for your next endeavor.

With best regards,

(Name of the Officer)
(Department's Name)

(Resignation Acceptance Letter from Chairman in case of Directors, Chief Executives & Senior Officials.)

Ref: _________
Date: ________

(Name of the Employee)
(Full Address)
Code: ________

Sub.: Acknowledgement and acceptance of your resignation.

Dear Mr./Ms. ________,

This has reference to your resignation letter submitted to the Company on (Date). We acknowledge the receipt of the same. In this regard, please be informed that the Board of Directors has taken a note of your resignation with effect from (Date) in its duly held Board meeting on (Date) at (Venue).

Our Legal & Secretarial Dept. will be completing the formalities of reporting your resignation to the appropriate statutory authorities as per the law. They will be keeping you updated on the progress.

I must say the value addition you brought in during all these years of your service has helped the Company a lot in its success. I, on behalf of all the Board members and the Team - (Company Name), sincerely appreciate your contribution and the support extended by you during your tenure of service.

We wish you all the very best for your future endeavors.

With best regards,

(Name of the Chairman)

sample of acceptance of resignation letter from employer

Extra Notes for Readers

(1) Generally, the tone of the letter in which it is written, is greatly impacted by the overall/recent past performance, conduct and behavior of the concerned employee (who is resigning).

Example #1: In case an employee was absconding for a few weeks and finally tendered his resignation one day, then in the letter certain disappointments can be wisely worded (mostly in an indirect way, to avoid any ruckus).

Example #2: In case an employee has been an outstanding performer /loyal to the organization for a long period, then the acceptance letter can contain compliments about the employee and the regret of his separation from the organization and wishing him good luck in his future ventures, etc.

(2) The letter may also contain a para on a specific event concerning the employee, which resulted in great achievement and ultimately benefited the Company in a big way.


  1. Ovir Gonsalves27 June, 2018

    fabulous.. now I can resign peacefully :D

  2. Ramnath Dixit17 August, 2018

    Thanks for the sample of resignation acceptance letter from the Chairman.

  3. Kelly Kruger23 September, 2018

    This works for me just fine. Thank you!

  4. Thank you! The sample #2 was very helpful for me.


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