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Complaint Letter to the Bank about Error in Bank Statement

Sometimes, due to inadvertent errors, the bank may provide you with a printed statement of your account, which has errors in figures or some entries/transaction details are missing from it.

letter to bank manager about wrong statement
Although, in this digital era, chances for these errors happening are very less. Nevertheless, if this happens then you should have it verified again with the bank official and have it corrected/reconciled to the actual transaction that had happened.

Either you can visit the bank's branch to discuss the issue with the concerned official for this or call him over the phone and explain the matter. If he says they will check it and have it corrected, then it is good enough and will save the trouble of going to the bank.

Sometimes, they may require a formal complaint letter from you in case the matter is a little complex and they are not able to track it immediately. Then you should submit a letter explaining the whole issue.


Date: ________

The Branch Manager
(Bank's Name)
(Branch's Name)

Sub.: Error in bank statement of (Month, Year).

Dear Sir/Madam,

Our company is maintaining a current account bearing number ________ in your bank at ________ branch. Today, while going through the printed statement received from your bank of the said current account, shockingly, we noticed that one of the entries is missing. The transaction that is missing in the statement occurred on (Date) for a credit of Rs. _________/- from the party i.e. M/s. __________.

You are requested to have the missing entry be reflected in the statement and duly reconciled in the records of your bank. If there is any cooperation required from our end in this regard, then please contact our representative Ms. __________ at mobile no. ___________.

Kindly do the needful and oblige.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For _________ Limited

Authorized Signatory


Date: _________

(Name of the Account holder)
(Full address)
(Mobile No.)

The Branch Manager
(Name of the Bank)
(Branch's Name)

Sub.: Error in bank statement of (Month, Year).

Dear Sir/Madam,

With reference to my savings account bearing number _______, I beg to state that while going through the printed statement of my account for the month of ______, I noticed an error as follows:

Date of transaction: __________.
Transaction id: ______________.
Type of transaction: Debit/Credit.
Amount shown in the statement: Rs. ________.
Actual amount (which should be shown in the statement): Rs. _________.

I kindly request you to have the entry corrected in the statement and duly reconciled in the records of your bank. If there is any information required from my end, then please contact me at my registered mobile number _________.

Kindly do the needful and oblige.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Account-holder)

Complaint Letter to the Bank about Error in Bank Statement


  1. Anupam Dalal17 July, 2018

    Errors in bank statements are pretty rare. If we keep checking our bank statement through bank's mobile app, we can find the error soon and complain to banker at the earliest. Thanks for the format!

  2. Sekhar Mane28 August, 2018

    Thanks. I have used this format and submitted the letter to bank. Hopefully they will correct soon. They have agreed to after talking over the matter.

  3. Banks errors have gone down substantially due to digitalisation of banking records. But errors do still happen. And the key is to lodge complaint immediately upon getting to know about the error.


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