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Move Out Notice from Tenant to Landlord to Leave Property

The tenant may leave the house /flat / premises of the landlord for several reasons, viz. high rental value, rent period is over, dispute with landlord, location change in job, flat space or design unsatisfactory, etc.

letter to landlord for leaving the houseGenerally, most of the rent agreements contain a clause on advance notice to be given by the tenant to the landlord at lease before a fixed period before leaving the flat. Otherwise, the tenant will have to pay for the notice period if he wants to leave on a short notice or immediately.

The following template of letter from tenant to landlord could be used in case the tenant wants to give an advance notice of leaving the house / terminating the tenancy/rent agreement.


Date: ..................

(Name of the Landlord)
(Complete Address)

Sub.: Notice of leaving the rental property

Dear ...............,

Hope you are doing well. 

I am writing to inform you that I will be leaving the flat at (Address) rented by you to me with reference to the rent agreement dated ................. I am shifting my job to another city and hence I have no other option but to leave your flat. Therefore, I am giving herewith .... days/months advance notice of leaving the flat. By (Date), I will clear all my properties and things from your premises and on (Date) I will hand over the flat keys to you.

The rent for this month will be paid as usual. Please find hereunder my banking details, where you can transfer the Security Deposit amount.
[Bank details: Name, Account Number & IFSC]

I thank you for renting the flat to me. I had a pleasurable stay at your house during the rental period. I truly appreciate all the help you have extended since the beginning.

Have a nice day/ evening.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Tenant)

move out letter to landlord thank you


  1. Rodda Jagadeeswari28 July, 2018

    I wanted to leave my flat and hence needed a letter to write to the landlord. Thanks a lot for the format.

  2. Sunila Mehta20 September, 2018

    Your site comes pretty handy in quick references while writing letters urgently. Thanks

  3. need sample letter to landlord ,terminate rental agreement, vacate from property and
    the outstanding rental fee request paid by installment ...

  4. Anonymous30 July, 2023

    my 60 years tenant want to surrender his tenancy against some consideration ,I want what i should take from him in writing

    1. Please consult an advocate and have it executed on a stamp paper.


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