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Emergency Leave Application Letter for Grandparent's Death

Emergency Leave Application means an application for leave from work at short notice to the company, which is through a superior officer at work.

leave application letter for grandmother expired
Leave applications are generally submitted to the boss well in advance by the employees so that the work does not get hampered during the leave and the boss can assign the work of that employee to some other employees.

However, an advance leave application is not possible if some urgent matter comes up which was not foresighted earlier and which needs to be attended to at the earliest. Hence, an emergency leave application is submitted to the boss for approval.

You can use the following format for applying for emergency leave because of the death of any relative in your family. Just modify the wordings appropriately and submit it to the boss.


Date: __________

(Name of the Boss/ Superior officer)
(Department Name)

Sub.: Application for leave from office for attending grandmother's funeral ceremony

Dear Sir,

I would like to kindly request you to grant me a leave from work for __ days from today until (Date). Sadly, my grandmother expired early this morning. I have to go to her house at (Place) where my family members have already arrived and I am expected to reach at the earliest.

I have some major responsibilities to take part in the funeral ceremony arrangements. I think I have to spend around __ days there. You would appreciate I have to be with my family at this sorrowful time.

Therefore, kind request to you to please approve my leave application urgently to enable me to leave immediately from office today. In case of any emergency need, I will be available over the phone.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Employee)
Employee code: _____

leave application letter for grandfather death


  1. Daisy Senosha27 August, 2018

    Grandparents are our guide for life. Their departure from this world certainly burdens our hearts with sorrows. :(
    Anyways, thank you for the leave application format.

  2. Thank you for the letter format.

  3. Shall i have to show any traveling proof if i have to attend funeral in my home country.


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