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Disciplinary Letter to Parent about Child's Behavior in School

It is not only the duty of a Principal of a school to inform about the bad behavior of a student in the class with students and in school premises but also a moral obligation on the Principal in a commitment towards the betterment of a student for the sake of his bright future.

sample letter to parent about child's behavior in schoolThe Principal is not supposed to write to the parents of the student every time the student creates a problem in class or school or behaves badly with the teacher or other staff. A school is an institution where students are also given behavioral guidance in addition to the regular study course teachings.

Hence, a first, the Principal and the teachers will have to make best efforts to correct the bad attitude and behavior of a student by giving him appropriate advice. After giving several warnings and making enough efforts to correct the student's wrongful conduct, if he continues to make the same mistakes. Then the school must write a letter to the parents and meet with them to discuss their child's behavioral conduct in school.

Initially, the letter should be written very carefully to not to hurt the feelings of the parents and to suggest an honest intention to rectify the behavioral problems of the student for his sake only. After all parents would like to hear good things about their child and not the complaints.

Later on, after informing their parents, discussing with them, giving several warnings and providing sufficient guidance to the student, if he still continues to create nuisance in school, then the Principal will have to write a strong warning letter even suggesting a rustication/expelling of the student from school.

TEMPLATE #1 - First Warning Letter

Dated ...............
Ref: ..................

The Principal
(Name of the School)
(Contact No.)

(Name of the Parents)
(Contact No.)

Sub.: Regarding the behavioral conduct of your child .......... in the class

Dear Mr. and Mrs. ...............,

Greetings. Trust you are doing well.

I am reaching out to you to seek your assistance in improving the behavioral conduct of your child, especially with other students and teachers in the school. During the last few months, I have been receiving several complaints regarding his misconduct in the classroom and some other occasions. While it is our duty to guide the student and make him understand not to repeat these instances, as they are detrimental towards his own future, if he continues to do so, we approach the parents to provide for a combined effort towards the student.

After giving him good guidance personally, I had hoped that he would correct his actions and obey the policy of conduct of the school. However, today, he was again brought to me with a severe complaint. He has gotten into a bad fight with another student and has injured him. I have been informed by our teacher that it was his fault as he was passing hurtful remarks towards that other student, which we have confirmed from our CCTV cameras of the school. I believe his bullying attitude is deteriorating his way of life as I can feel from the several complaints brought to me against him.

I feel sorry for him on this matter, as we have failed to upgrade his behavioral attitude. Therefore, I would like to seek your assistance to help him improve his conduct in the coming days. Please also note that he may be in need of counseling from a child counselor. If you so require, I may suggest you names of a couple reputable counselors.

Therefore, it is now essential that we meet someday soon and discuss this in detail. You may take an appointment with me as per your convenience. Please coordinate with my secretary (reachable at Tel. No. ..................) for the date and time of appointment.

Your understanding and cooperation is greatly appreciated.


(Name of the Principal)

TEMPLATE #2 - Last Warning Letter

Dated ...............
Ref: ..................

The Principal
(Name of the School)
(Contact No.)

(Name of the Parent)
(Contact No.)

Sub.: Serious behavioral concerns of your child .......... in the school

Dear Mr. and Mrs. ...............,

Greetings. Trust you are doing well.

Kindly refer to my letter dated .............. and the discussions in our personal meeting on ............ regarding the concerns of our student i.e. your child - Mr. ..........'s behavioral misconducts in the school. I have to regretfully inform you that even after several attempts made from our side and even your side and the additional counselling given to him, he has not shown any major improvement so far.

In fact, his misconduct is now intolerable and a clear violation of the Policy of Conduct of our school. I had hoped that our combined efforts will bring some change in him and he will abstain from any conflicts in school. However, I feel sorry to say that he is not giving any serious approach to improve himself.

Today, he was trying to bully a couple of other students and they got into a rough fight. This was further confirmed from the CCTV cameras of the school premises, which I will show you if you so desire during our next meeting. You would appreciate that these kinds of issues impact the school environment and I will have to take into consideration other students' situations and live up to their parent's expectations from the school.

I, therefore, would once again request you to please guide your child properly so that he corrects his bad behavior into good. Please consider this the final stage where we are trying to correct the student's misconduct. After this, if the student breaks the school's Conduct Policy, then I may not be able to help him anymore and sadly, he may have to face rustication from the school. Hope you understand that I will have to abide by the rules of the school.

If you would like to meet me in this regard, then you may take an appointment by coordinating with my secretary (reachable at Tel. No. ..................) for the date and time of appointment.

Your understanding and cooperation is greatly appreciated.


(Name of the Principal)

sample email to parents about student behavior


  1. Neeta Sarkar17 August, 2018

    It is our duty as a parent to discipline our child, teach him good manners and make him understand the unwritten rules of this civilised society. Teachers are also responsible to some extent for teaching good manners to the students. But holding them responsible for it, is entirely wrong. Every day I get to see some news of parents abusing teachers on small matters. If only there is a negligence is teaching or undisciplined atmosphere in the school, then we can complain to the teachers, but not on kid's behavioural mistake. That's entirely parents responsibility.

    1. such a good approach.

  2. Thanks for the letter sample

  3. Teaching a child through the teachers in the school is playing very important role in their behavior in the school. But, yes sometimes teacher has no fault. Child may be not happy with their parent's behavior at home. Some parents do helicopter parenting which totally a wrong way for the kids. And some time it may reason of rude behavior in the school. Parents should about the helicopter parenting because many of them are not aware of it.


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