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Excessive Prolonged Lunch Break Employee Warning Letter

Every company has certain policies for its employees for timing on lunch break in between working hours. Employers expect that the employees follow it honestly, as generally nobody monitors the lunch timing of employees.

sample warning letter to employee for excessive prolonged lunch breaks
Sometimes in the office canteen it may be quite noticeable that employees are taking excessive time during lunch breaks and wasting their time chatting. This impacts the productivity level of employees.

The following formats of warning letters for such a purpose are for your reference.

TEMPLATE #1 (Letter)

Ref: _________
Date: ________

(Name of the Employee)
(Department Name)
(Employee Code)

Sub.: Prolonged lunch breaks - Violation of employee policy.

Dear Mr./Ms. ________,

We value the services of all the employees who are dedicatedly working for our company. Each one is an asset for the company. It is expected that each employee sincerely follows the company policy prescribed for the employees.

One of the rules is to obey the lunch hour timings, which is between (Time) to (Time) during working hours. There might be slight variations from this around ___ mins, which is acceptable. However, when an employee takes advantage of these lunch hour breaks by spending prolonged time at lunch or otherwise in the name of lunch hours, it becomes a clear violation of the company policy, which attracts penalization.

It has come to our attention that you have been taking lunch breaks for a prolonged time on a regular basis. Kindly be advised that if you continue to do so - as per company policy, half-day salary will be deducted from your pay for each day of such violation.

As this is your first warning in this matter, we are not taking any disciplinary action. We, therefore, strongly advise you to abstain from any such violations in the future and obey the lunch break timings of the office at all times.


(Name of the Officer)

TEMPLATE #2 (Email)

Dear Ms./Mr. ________,

It has come to our attention that you have been continuously taking prolonged lunch breaks during office hours. As you are well aware, the lunch break timing is fixed between 01:30p.m. until 02:15p.m. All the employees are expected to follow the lunch break timing strictly. Though minor variations from this could be allowed for about 5 to 10 minutes. Anything beyond that is quite unacceptable.

We must remind you that as per company policy such violation of policy for lunch hour timing will attract disciplinary action against the employee, which includes deduction of half-day salary for each day of violation. As this is the first warning in the matter, we are not taking any disciplinary action.

We hope that you will abide by the rules and will not repeat this in future.

Thank you for your understanding!

(Name of the Officer)
Mob. ________


  1. Sandeep More25 August, 2018

    Good template. Thanks for publishing it here. 👍

  2. Thank you. Very useful.


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