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Letter to Bank for Credit Card Limit Enhancement Increase

Request for credit card limit enhancement can be submitted through:

1) Option available after logging in at Net-banking or credit card portal of bank and submitting the request there.

request letter to bank for increase credit card limit2) Soft copy of "Form" available at the bank's website to be filled, printed, signed and sent to their address or to be submitted at their ATM counter.

3) Printed "Form" available at the bank's branch office to be filled, printed, signed and submitted there.

4) If no prescribed form is available, then submit a letter in writing with all the details and submit at their branch /sent to the bank's address.

Find the correct address of the bank from the bank's website where the letter has to be sent.


Date: ...................

(Name of Credit card holder)
(Complete Address)
(Contact No./ Email id)

The Branch Manager
(Bank's Name)
(Branch's Name)

Sub.: Request for credit card limit enhancement

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been a holder of your bank's credit card (no. ..................) for the last .... years/months. I have been using the card for making payments towards utility bills, shopping purposes, etc. I have been making the bills' due amounts well in time by last date. I have never defaulted in payment so far.

Sometimes, when I need to make some payments I find the limit is already used up and I cannot use the card to pay. I, therefore, would like to request you to increase the credit card limit from the current limit of (amount) to (amount).

I am enclosing herewith the following documents for your records:
1) Salary slips of last 3 months,
2) Latest income tax return copy, and
3) Copy of self attested PAN/Aadhar card.

Please be rest assured there will not be any default from my side in making payments of credit card bills. Additionally, kindly note that my next appraisal in job is due next month. Hence, I will be even more comfortable in making payments in time.

Kind request to your goodself to consider my application favorably. Applicable charges in this regard may be charged to the credit card or debited from my savings account in your bank bearing number ...........

Looking forward to your response soon.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Credit card holder)

letter to bank for credit card limit enhancement


  1. Manaswini Nayak27 August, 2018

    I have used the format and submitted the letter. Though HDFC bank has a fixed format of letter to be filled up and sent to Chennai office.

  2. Tony Beaulieu10 September, 2018

    Hey, thanks a ton for the template of the letter. Tony

  3. Dear thanks for this template


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