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Retirement Congratulations Mail to Employee from Employer

Congratulations is a medium to communicate to someone that you are happy about their success or happiness on a particular matter.

Retirement Congratulations Mail to EmployeeWell, in case of retirement, there is obviously no success about it, so some might think congratulating on retirement might be an offensive thing. However, it is not so if you can word it properly in your email or letter or even while congratulating personally.

Retirement is a matter of happiness. It is a breakpoint of all the years of hard work. Therefore, congratulating him or her is essentially to wish them good luck and lots of happiness for the rest of their retirement days.

Hope the following formats are useful to you. Modify suitably.

(Letter to Employee)

(Name of the Employee)
(Phone Number)

Hello Mr. ...............,

Warmest congratulations on your retirement from service on (Date). You have been a valuable member of our organization for a long period. You had worked dedicatedly and accomplished many things that helped this organization grow faster. We are thankful to you for your service.

Well, departing is a sad affair and we surely do not want to lose an asset like you. Yet we are happy that you are going to have a relaxed life post retirement. Your absence will surely be felt here in (Name of the Organization). Your subordinates do like you a lot and highly appreciate your unbiased support to them at the workplace. You are an inspiration to many. I am sure they have learnt a great deal from your work methods, which will help them build their career too.

You have provided some very valuable suggestions for improvement of our products and services and certain great suggestions relating to the workplace were very helpful. We really appreciate your loyalty to the organization.

I am taking the liberty to say it on behalf of all staff that we are really going to miss you at work. We wish you all the best for spending your retirement time happily with lots of joyful moments.

Do feel free to visit us any time after retirement. You are always welcome here.

Yours truly,

(Name of the Boss/Officer)

Date: ...................

(Email to Employee)

Dear Mr. .............,

I would like to congratulate you on your retirement. Well, retirements can be a bit sentimental. We are surely going to miss you at work. You were an integral part of our organization and a loyal employee for a long period now. We highly appreciate your commitment and unbound devotion to work. It is inspiring for many.

Your approach to completing work assignments are unique; some people at work are following them wholeheartedly. You have tried to keep the work atmosphere agile and happy with your constant support and fun filled activities some of the time.

We thank you deeply for your association with the organization and wish you good luck with your retirement. May you prosper well and stay healthy and happy forever.

Do not forget our doors are always open for you. You are welcome to visit us anytime. We will appreciate that.

Have a nice day/evening!

Warm regards,
(Name of the Boss/Officer)

Retirement Congratulations Mail to Employee from Employer


  1. Shri Vipul Kumar07 October, 2018

    Retirement is a sad matter but I am happy that I don't have to follow the regular rigidity of life anymore. Waking up on time, arriving office on time, completing office works on time, etc. Life is good now. It was nice to receive the farewell retirement letter from the staffs. So many office memories just flashed back behind my very eyes.


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