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Application Letter to Municipality for Birth Certificate Format

You can apply for yours or your child's birth certificate through online mode or physical form. Although the Government portal is allowing you to apply for the birth certificate for almost all localities including urban and rural areas. However, in rural localities, the online application may not be processed in time.

request letter for birth certificate from municipal corporation
Hence, it would be better if you apply for a birth certificate manually by either filling up the application form provided by the appropriate government authority's office or by submitting a written application letter by providing all the necessary information in it.

Do enquire with the Municipality or NAC office before going ahead with any written submission.

Hope the following format will be useful. Modify it suitably as per your need.

(Fill in the details in CAPITAL letters)

The Registrar of Birth & Death
and Health Officer,
............ Municipal Corporation
(Office Address)
Tel. ...................

Sub.: Application for issue of birth certificate of my child.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am hereby applying for issue of birth certificate under section 17 of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1969 for my child as per the following details:

(i) Name of the Father (applicant): .................... Aadhar no. .............
(ii) Name of the Mother: ................... Aadhar no. .............
(iii) Name of the Child: ...................... Aadhar no. .............                         [Affix Child's Photo]
(iv) Child's Date of birth: ......................... Gender: .............
(v) Place of birth: Home ... or Hospital/Nursing home ....
      Full address of place of birth: ..................
(vi) Parent's permanent residence address: .............. Pin: .........
(vii) Parent's present residence address: .............. Pin: ...........
(viii) Father's telephone no. .............. and email id .................
(ix) Father's occupation: ...............
(x) Birth certificate delivery: By Post .... or By Hand .......
       (I will collect the certificate from your office and the same may not please be sent by post.)

Documents enclosed:
(1) Identity and address proofs of father, mother and child.
(2) Hospital certificate for child's birth

I, the applicant, do hereby solemnly affirm and verify that the afore-mentioned contents including supporting documents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further affirm and solemnly swear that no material information has been concealed therefrom. I acknowledge that I am aware of the punishment under law in case the information furnished herein above is found to be incorrect.

I would be truly grateful if my application is processed and birth certificate is issued at the earliest.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Applicant)

Date: ..............
Place: ..............

Encl.: As above

Request Letter for Birth Certificate from Municipal Corporation
