Character certificate is a document, which essentially certifies the overall character of a person i.e. his behavior and conduct towards other people in the day-to-day life in general.

Example: The issuing authority in a company ought to take into consideration the incidents concerning the employee, which relates to his behavioral conduct from his employment records and after enquiring with his colleagues.
(Character certificate format for the employee)
This is to certify that (Name of the Employee), aged .... years, son/ daughter/ wife of (Name of the Father/ Husband) is known to me for the last .... years since 20... He/She was working in our organization i.e. (Name of the Organization) as a (Designation of the Employee) working in the (Name of the Department).
To the best of my knowledge, he/she bears a good moral character. His/Her behavioral conduct was satisfactory.
This certificate is being given to him/ her for the purpose of (mention the reason briefly, not too descriptively, within one or two lines).
I wish him/her all the best in the future ventures.
Name of Issuing Authority: ....................
Designation: ..................
Dated .................... [Official Seal]
Place: .....................
(Character certificate format for government job)
Certified that I have known (Name of the Candidate), son/daughter/wife of (Name), aged .... years, for the last .... (days/ months/ years) and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, he / she bears good and reputable character and has no antecedent which render him / her unsuitable for employment in an Undertaking of Government of India. I have not noticed anything adverse against him/her.
(Name of the Candidate) is not related to me.
[Official Seal]
Dated ..... day of 20... (Signature)
Place: ....................... (Name and Designation)
(Character certificate format for the students)
It is to certify that (Name of the Student), aged .... years, son/ daughter of (Name of the Father), who has studied in this Institution i.e. (Name of the Institution) during (year) to (year) bears a good moral character. His/Her behavioral conduct was excellent/good with the teachers and students. As per our records, we had not received any complaints regarding his/her behavioral conduct during the period of his/her studying in our institution.
The information provided herein above is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.
This certificate is provided to (Name of the Student) on his/her request for submission to the (Name of the New Institution) he/she is pursuing to study at.
(Signature with date)
(Name of the Official of the Institution)
(Designation of the Official)
(Affix the seal / stamp of the institution)
Sample #2 was really helpful for me in drafting the certificate for my employees.