Through a tender document, a business organization invites applications from interested service providers viz. suppliers, contractors, etc., who are willing to take up a project on behalf of that business organization. In consideration of the service provided by such service providers, they receive payment as per the price quoted in their tender application.

Then they intimate the selected applicant about the acceptance of their tender application and award the contract to that selected party.
You may use the following samples to prepare the tender acceptance letter.
(Construction Tender Acceptance Letter)
Ref No.: ..............
Date: ...................
(Name of the Contractor)
(Address, Phone Number)
Sub.: Your tender accepted for Tender no. ............. dated ...............
Dear Sir/Madam,
Congratulations! Your tender has been accepted for the tender document bearing number ........ dated ............... floated by our organization. The tender is accepted at the price quoted/tendered by you for a sum of amount of (Amount in figures) (Amount in words), which is ......% below/above the estimated cost of (Amount in figures) (Amount in words).
As required under the clause no. ..... of the terms and conditions of the tender document, you are requested to submit the performance guarantee of (Amount in figures) (Amount in words) within .... days of the receipt of this letter at your end. The performance guarantee shall be valid for a period of .... years. Kindly use the format of performance guarantee as given in the tender document.
On receipt of the performance guarantee from you, we will initiate necessary process for signing of the contract between us and thereafter we will issue the letter to you for commencement of work. A draft copy of the contract is enclosed herewith for your perusal. Site of work will be handed over to you after issue of commencement of work letter.
Let us try to abide by the timeline prescribed under the tender document for completion of the work.
We wish you all the best for a successful performance and completion of the project.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of (Name of the Organization),
(Name of the Officer)
Encl.: As above
(General Tender Acceptance Letter)
Ref: ..................... Dated: ..................
(Name of the Organization)
(Office Address)
(Phone Number)
Sub.: Tender acceptance for Tender bearing no. ..............
Ref: Project - (Name of the Project, Location name)
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are glad to inform you that your tender has been accepted for Tender no. ............. dated .............. The price quoted by you in the said tender document is approved, hence, the total tendered price is (Amount in figures) (Amount in words).
You are requested to provide performance guarantee as required to be furnished under the clause .... of the terms of the said tender document at the earliest in order to enable us to provide you the commencement certificate to start the work.
A copy of the draft contract to be executed between us is enclosed herewith for your perusal. I will be coordinating with you for the contract execution process. Please note that this letter of acceptance, along with the copy of the letter of acceptance to be acknowledged by you and the tender document along with its schedules/annexures, form a part of the contract and be binding on both parties.
Another original copy of this letter of acceptance is also enclosed herewith. Please acknowledge the receipt of the letter and return it back to us in order to confirm your acceptance.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For (Name of the Organization),
(Name of the Officer)
Encl.: As above
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