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Notice Format of Adjourned Annual General Meeting (AGM)

A company can adjourn its upcoming Annual General Meeting of the members/ shareholders of the company after obtaining approval of the Registrar of Companies.

notice of adjourned annual general meetingIn accordance with the 3rd proviso of sub-section (1) of section 96 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Registrar may, for any special reason, extend the time within which any annual general meeting, other than the first annual general meeting, shall be held, by a period not exceeding three months.

Here is a sample of the notice of the adjourned annual general meeting for your reference. Please make appropriate changes as per latest legal provisions.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the adjourned ___th Annual General Meeting of the Members of __________________ Limited (which was convened on _____day, the ___th day of (Month), (Year) at ___ a.m. / p.m., whereat the consideration of the under noted items of the business was adjourned sine die) will be held on _____day, the ___th day of (Month), (Year) at ___ a.m. / p.m. at the registered office of the Company at _______________________ to transact the following business:


1. To receive, consider and adopt the financial statements for the year ended March 31, 20** and the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon.

2. To appoint a director in place of (Name) who retires by rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-appointment.

3. To appoint a director in place of (Name), who retires by rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-appointment.

4. Re-Appointment of Statutory Auditors

To re-appoint Statutory Auditors and to authorize the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration and in this regard to consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification(s), the following resolution an Ordinary Resolution:

“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 139, 142 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder, M/s. ___________, Chartered Accountants (Registration No. __________), be and is hereby re-appointed as the Statutory Auditors of the Company for a period of ___ years to hold office from the conclusion of ___th AGM till the conclusion of the __th AGM of the Company and that the Board of Directors be and is hereby authorized to fix such remuneration as may be determined by the board in consultation with the Auditors.”

By order of the Board,
(Name of the Director/ Officer)
DIN/ Memb. No. _________

Place: ________
Dated: ________

There is some other information, which needs to be added to the notice.
(a) Notes regarding adjourned annual general meeting,
(b) Other notes,
(c) Explanatory statements pursuant to section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013,
(d) Route map to the AGM venue,
(e) Attendance Slip, and
(f) Proxy Form (Form No. MGT-11).

Notice Format of Adjourned Annual General Meeting (AGM)
