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Work Experience Letter or Certificate for a School Teacher

Just like many other job profiles, many teachers do move on from one job to another in order to further their careers and to earn a better pay.

experience letter for school teacher formatHowever, this does not usually happen in the case of the public sector / govt. schoolteachers. More often, it is the private schools' teachers, who opt for such change in the school.

While applying for teachership in another school, the school authority may ask the teacher for an experience certificate from its previously employed school.

Here are samples of experience certificates for schoolteachers for your reference.

(To be printed on the letterhead of the school)


To Whom It May Concern,

This is to certify that (Name of the Teacher), aged ___ years, son / daughter / wife of (Name of the Person), had worked as a (Subject) Teacher / Assistant Teacher in our school i.e. (Name of the School) from (Date) until (Date).

During her/his tenure as a teacher in our school, his/her work performance and behavioral conduct was satisfactory.

This certificate is being issued at the request of (Name of the Teacher).

We wish her/him lots of success in her/his future endeavors.

(Name of the Principal)

(Affix School Seal/Stamp)

(To be printed on the letterhead of the school)


This is to certify that Ms./Mr./Mrs. (Name of the Teacher), aged ___ years, son / daughter / wife of (Name of the Person), had worked as a Teacher / Asst. Teacher in our school i.e. (Name of the School) from (Date) until (Date).

She/He was teaching to the students of Class ___ to ___ in the subjects namely, ________, ________, and ________.

Based on the feedback we have received from time to time, we believe she/he has profound knowledge in the subjects she/he teaches. She/He is hardworking, punctual, responsible and enthusiastic at work. She/He has good communication skills and shows high professionalism in her/his teaching.

During the tenure of his/her association with our school, we have found his/her behavioral conduct and performance to be very satisfactory.

This is to declare and affirm that the above-mentioned information is correct and based on the service records available in our organization.

This certificate is being issued at the request of Ms./Mr./Mrs. _____________.

We wish her/him all the very best and success in her/his future endeavors.

(Name of the Principal)

(Affix School Seal/Stamp)

Date: ________
Place: ________

Work Experience Letter for School Teacher
