After the shareholders approve the appointment or re-appointment of the statutory auditors in the annual general meeting of the members of the company, it is the duty of the company to intimate this information to the concerned auditors who were appointed or reappointed.

Print the letters in the company letterheads, keep a copy of it and despatch proof in the records of the company for your future reference.
TEMPLATE #1 (Intimation of Re-appointment)
(In case, the Auditors are an Audit Firm of Chartered Accountants)
Ref: _________
Date: ________
M/s. __________ & Associates
Chartered Accountants
Firm Regn. No. _________
Sub.: Re-appointment as Auditors
Dear Sirs,
We are pleased to inform you that the shareholders of the company, in their ___th Annual General Meeting held on (Date) at the Registered Office of the company, have approved your re-appointment as the Statutory Auditors of the company for a term of five consecutive years from the said AGM till the conclusion of the __th AGM.
Yours sincerely,
For (Name of the Company),
(Name of the Officer)
TEMPLATE #2 (Intimation of Appointment)
(In case, the Auditor is an Individual Chartered Accountant)
Ref: _________
Date: ________
Ms./Mr. __________
Chartered Accountant
Memb. No. ________
Sub.: Appointment as Auditor
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are pleased to inform you that in the ___th Annual General Meeting of the company duly held on (Date) at the (Venue address), the members have approved your appointment as the Statutory Auditor of the company for a period of five years from the ___th AGM till the conclusion of the ___th AGM.
Yours faithfully,
For (Name of the Company),
(Name of the Person)