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Sample Doctor's Note for Flight Cancellation Due to Illness

Some airlines would waive the cancellation charges of the flight ticket and refund the full amount, if you can produce a doctor's note regarding your illness or for any other medical reasons because of which you could not travel on the scheduled day and time of flight.

doctors note template for travel cancellationDo read the cancellation policy of the airline company to find out the exact terms and conditions on this. You may also call the customer care department of the airline company to enquire about it.

Here are samples of doctor's notes in such a case. However, if you contact your doctor he may write his note in the manner he deems fit.

(After the flight has taken off)

To Whom It May Concern

This is to confirm that Ms./ Mr.  _____________ was hospitalized in our clinic on ___th day of (Month), (Year) at ___ o'clock. Upon due checkup, it was found that he was suffering from (Name of the Disease). He has been under treatment since then until he is cured from the illness completely.

I have advised Ms./ Mr. _____________ not to travel by flight until he is cured, as his condition is not fit for travel by flight from (Date) until his condition improves. The air pressure during the time of travel by flight would only deteriorate his condition.

As per our records, Ms./ Mr. _____________ was born on (Date) and is the holder of Passport bearing number _________. This is being provided on his request for the purpose of verification.


(Name of the Doctor)        (Seal/Stamp)
_________ Doctor

Place: ________
Date: _________

(Before the flight takes off)

Date: _________

To Whom It May Concern

This is to certify that Mr./ Ms. ____________ has had an appointment with me on ___th day of (Month), (Year) at ____ o'clock. During the checkup, he was diagnosed with (Name of the Disease). He has been hospitalized and is under treatment now.

As per my checkup, he is not currently fit for travelling by airplane from (Date) onwards until his condition improves.

For the purpose of identification, as per our records, Mr./ Ms. ____________ was born on (Date) and is the holder of Passport bearing number _________.


(Name of the Physician)        (Seal/Stamp)
__________ Doctor

Sample Doctor's Note for Flight Cancellation Due to Illness
