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Complaint Letter to Municipality for Street Lights Not Working

Streetlights not only help in lighting important roads and places at night for people to walk and drive safely but also help to avoid the culprits to carry out any misdeeds in the dark hours.

how to write a letter to municipal commissioner for street light
If some of the streetlights in your locality are damaged and the people are not yielding the intended benefit out of them, then you should lodge complaints with the concerned local authorities.

If the local authorities do not take action on your request, then you can write to the municipal commissioner or other appropriate higher authority about the poor condition of the streetlights and request them for necessary action in this regard.

Here is a sample of such a complaint letter to the municipal commissioner for your reference. The letter can be written by one or more persons. Do modify as necessary.


Date: ________

The Commissioner
__________ Municipality

Subj.: Streetlights in non-working condition

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We, the undersigned, are the residents of the Ward no. ___ under your municipality. We would like to draw your kind attention to the poor maintenance of the streetlights in our locality. There are a few streetlights existing in our locality. Most of which are either not working or are in very poor condition providing dim light, which is of little to no use for the inhabitants of the said Ward.

You would appreciate how the non-working state of streetlights failing to eradicate darkness at night on the roads and areas are clearing the paths for muggers to be proactive in public places at night. Females and children are especially afraid to walk on the street at night. It is also leading to motor accidents, mainly at vulnerable roads.

The local inhabitants have been lodging complaints with the local authority for the repair or replacement of the streetlights, which are in non-working condition. However, to our dismay, no action whatsoever has been taken on this matter so far.

Therefore, we have no choice but to approach your goodself seeking your help and attention in this matter on an urgent basis. Kindly instruct the appropriate authority to take immediate action on the repairs and replacement of the damaged streetlights in our Ward no. ___.


(Name of the Complainant #1)
Address: ________________
Mobile: __________

(Name of the Complainant #2)
Address: ________________
Mobile: __________

Complaint Letter to Municipality for Street Lights Not Working


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