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Letter from Landlord to Remind Tenant to Pay Rent on Time

Not all tenants are good, not all landlords are bad. Between the landlord and tenant relationship, the most important aspect that comes to mind is "the rent".

sample letter to tenant to pay rent on time
While the tenants must endeavour to make payments of rent within reasonable time as per the agreed periodic schedule, the landlords should also give leeway occasionally if the tenant delays the rent payment due to any genuine reasons.

If the tenant is delaying payment of rent most of the time, the landlord has the right to demand the rent payment from the tenant on time and remind him again to honour the terms of the rent agreement.

Following are samples of letter and email that a landlord can write to the tenant to remind him to pay the rent on time.


Date: .................

(Name of the Tenant)

Sub.: Timely payment of Rent

Dear Mr. ..................,

Hope you are doing well.

I am writing to you to encourage you to make timely payments of rent. As you are aware, in accordance with the terms of the rent agreement dated ............ between us, you are required to pay the rent by day of every month. However, I am disappointed to note that the rent payment for most of the months is quite delayed beyond expectation. I certainly do not appreciate such delays.

As you will recall, at the time of handing over the house to you, we had specifically discussed the issue of timely payments of rent. As I had explained to you, it is very important for me to receive rent on time, which helps me to make certain payments in a timely manner.

Therefore, I would like to appeal to your good nature and ask you to make the rent payments on time.


(Name of the Landlord)
Mob. ...........................


Dear Ms. .................,

Hope you are doing well.

I would like to express my concern and disappointment on the delayed receipt of rent for almost all times. As per our rent agreement, you are required to pay the rent by day of the month. However, I have been receiving the rent several days after the due date. It is hurting my planned schedule to make some due payments.

This is to remind you again to honour the terms of the rent agreement on timely payments of rent. Failing which, I have to reconsider your continued stay at my house. Hope it does not come to that.

(Name of the Landlord)

Letter from Landlord to Remind Tenant to Pay Rent on Time
