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Sample Letter or Email to Supplier to Cancel Purchase Order

A client may cancel the order placed with a supplier under different circumstances. It may happen when the supplier did not supply the ordered goods on time, or if the client already had the goods in stock but by mistake had not noticed it, or due to a market situation or internal issue in the client's company leading to the cancellation of the main work, or if the client of the supplier's client cancelled its order.

purchase order cancellation letter to supplier
In such cases, the client has to write a formal email or letter to the supplier requesting for cancellation of the order. Remember to place the cancellation request in writing and not over phone only, because this cancellation may lead to legal conflict later in which case a written record will be required as evidence.

Here are the formats of letter/email to suppliers to cancel the purchase order. You can modify as required.

(How to cancel a purchase order with a supplier?)

Ref: ..................
Date: .................

(Name of the Contact Person)
(Name of the Supplier Business)
(Office Address)
(Phone Number)

Sub.: Cancellation of the purchase order

Dear ..............,

We have to, regrettably, request you to cancel our order vide purchase order number ................. dated ............. for supply of .............. goods/services.

We had not anticipated this situation. Our client backed down on their commitment and rescinded our deal because of their internal issue. Therefore, we would not need the items that we ordered from you earlier.

Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Kind request to please confirm the cancellation.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Yours faithfully,
For (Name of the Organisation),

(Name of the Person)

(Write an email to the supplier to cancel your order.)

Dear ..............,

We would like to cancel our order vide purchase order number ................. dated ............. for supply of ................ We apologize for the same.

Our warehouse manager, who was on leave for a long time, has joined back this week. He has informed us that we have sufficient stock of the ordered goods in our warehouse, which would last for next .... months. Therefore, we have to request you to cancel the order immediately.

I hope this does not cause too much of an inconvenience to you.

Thank you for your understanding in the matter!

(Name of the Person)
(Organisation Name)

(Purchase order cancellation email.)

Dear ..............,

This is with reference to our order vide purchase order number ................. dated ............. for supply of ................ We regret to note that the same has not yet been delivered to us.

Please refer to the terms of the said purchase order, wherein you were under the obligation to supply the goods by (Date). Since we did not receive any supplies from you within the due time neither have we received any communication from you yet regarding the delay, hence, we have no other option but to cancel our order immediately.

Kindly refund the advance payment made to you towards the said purchase order vide cheque no. ........... dated ............ for an amount of ..................... and provide a confirmation on the cancellation.

(Name of the Person)
(Organisation Name)

Sample Letter to Supplier to Cancel Purchase Order


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