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Letter to the Principal/Warden for Vacating/Leaving Hostel

A student may leave a hostel for various reasons, which could be either he is not satisfied with the food provided by the hostel or not comfortable with the accommodation there or he is facing trouble from other students often or his parents have decided to bring him back to home or any other genuine reasons.

letter to warden for hostel leaving permanently
The student will have to seek permission from the warden of the hostel or the principal of the institution by writing a formal application letter.

He may also have to provide a consent letter from his parents if that is asked by the hostel authorities. His parents may need to sign the application as well or may provide a separate consent letter as may be required.

Kindly consult with the hostel warden for the procedure. Here is a sample of an application letter to warden for leaving the hostel permanently.


Date: ________

The Warden / Principal
(Hostel / Institution Name)

Subj.: Permission for Vacating Hostel

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am a student of Class ___. I am presently staying in Room No. ___ in ________ Hostel. I have been facing problems with the food and accommodation conditions in the hostel since the beginning of my stay. Most days, I am not feeling well because of this reason. This has also been greatly affecting my studies, as I am unable to concentrate.

I have informed this to my parents. They have decided that it would be better for me to stay at home and pursue my studies. Hence, I would like to leave the hostel permanently. I am enclosing herewith a consent letter from my parents for this purpose.

The hostel dues until this month have been paid to my knowledge. If any dues are pending, the same may kindly be adjusted from the advance money paid earlier. The rest may kindly be refunded.

Therefore, I kindly request you to grant me the permission in this regard. I shall be grateful.

I would like to express my gratitude to you for helping me and boosting my morale during my stay.

Thanking you,
Yours obediently,

(Name of the Student)
Class: ___. Roll No. ______

Letter to the Warden for Leaving Hostel
