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Letter from Employer for Reference Check of Employee

Reference check for employment is a part of the hiring process. In the resume, a candidate mentions the names of at least one or two references, who could be someone from the previous employment or a known working professional.

reference check letter sample
During the hiring process of a new employee, many employers try to get in touch with the references as mentioned by the employee and get information about the candidate viz. responsibilities handled, performance level, credibility, etc.

Here are the samples of such reference check letters and emails. Please modify as necessary.

(Reference Check Letter)

Ref: _________
Date: _________

(Name of the Person)
(Name of the Company)

Sub.: Reference for employment of (Name of the Candidate)

Dear Mr. / Ms. ___________,

I am from the recruitment team at (Name of the Company). We are in the process of hiring for the position of (Name of the Job Post).

One of your former colleagues i.e. (Name of the Person) has applied for the said position. We are in discussion with him and evaluating his profile for placement. We are presently carrying out some background checks on him as per the company policy.

We are reaching out to you as he has suggested your contact details for seeking out employment reference from you since he had worked with you during his previous employment in (Name of the Company) between (Year) to (Year).

It would be very helpful if you could provide some information about working with him. We would like to know if you would recommend him. We are enclosing herewith a Reference Check Form for getting the information about him. We request you to kindly fill in the information in it and return it to us by mail at (Address) or by email at (Email Id).

Please note the correspondence and the information shared in this regard is strictly confidential.

Thank you for the cooperation!


For (Name of the Company),

(Name of the Officer)

Encl.: A/a

(Reference Check Email)

Dear Mr. / Ms. _________,

This mail is regarding a reference check for employment of (Name of the Candidate), age: ___ yrs.

We are currently in the hiring process of (Name of the Position) at (Name of the Company). Mr. (Name of the Candidate) has applied for the post and his profile is under consideration for the position.

He has mentioned your contact details for seeking out an employment reference from you as he had worked with you during his employment at (Name of the Organisation) for around ___ years.

We would like to briefly discuss his performance and work experience with you over the phone on (Date) at (Time). Please confirm your availability for the same and kindly do confirm if you are using this telephone number: _______. Or else you may kindly convey any other time as may be suitable for you and accordingly we will contact you at that time.

If you would rather prefer to give the information through email, then we kindly request you to fill in the Form attached herewith and send it back to us.

As per our hiring policy, we are carrying out these background checks. Please note the communication and the information exchanged between us will be held in strict confidence.

Thanks & Regards,
(Name of the Officer)
(Designation) | (Company's Name)

Letter from Employer for Reference Check of Employee
