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Letter/Email Accepting Formal Business Meeting Invitation

When someone sends you a business invitation to attend a meeting or some other event, you ought to respond to it at the earliest either by confirming your attendance or by intimating about your inability to attend, mention the reason if possible.

accepting a formal business invitation
While accepting the invitation, you should start by thanking the sender for inviting you, and then you should clearly convey your confirmation for attending the meeting.

Here are the samples of acceptance letters or emails for business meeting invitations. Modify it suitably.

(Formal acceptance letter invitation.)

Date: ...............

(Name of the Person)
(Name of the Organisation)
(Office Address)
(Phone) (Email)

Reg.: Your invitation letter dated ............. for a business meeting.

Dear ...............,

I am in receipt of your invitation letter dated .............. for attending a meeting on (Topic) at (Address) on (Date) at (Time). I thank you for the same.

I hereby accept your kind invitation and confirm that I will be attending it on the given day.

I am indeed looking forward to meeting you and other attendees, and have a fruitful discussion on this important subject matter.

Have a nice day/ evening!


(Name of the Person)
(Name of the Organisation)

(Meeting invitation acceptance email.)

Dear Mr. ................,

It will be a pleasure to attend the meeting on (Subject matter) on (Date). I look forward to meeting you and others at the meeting.

I confirm my attendance herewith. I must say I am quite eager to learn about this subject.

Good day.

Kind Regards,
(Name of the Person)
(Title), (Organisation)

(Business invitation acceptance email.)

Dear Mr. ..................,

I accept with pleasure your kind invitation to attend the ............... on, of (Month), (Year) at ........ a.m./p.m.

I am very excited and looking forward to meeting you.

See you soon. Have a good day!

Warm Regards,
(Name of the Person)
(Title), (Organisation)

Letter Accepting Formal Business Meeting Invitation
