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Best Wishes Note for a Colleague Going on Maternity Leave

Maternity leave is the right of every pregnant woman employee of any organisation to go on leave for a certain period of time as per the laws of the country immediately before and after the birth or adoption of their child. During the period of leave, such employees are eligible for wages and other benefits.

how to wish your colleague who is going on maternity leave
As a responsible coworker, especially if you are the boss of such a female employee, then you ought to wish her well for her pregnancy and for her maternity leave.

Here are formats of letters and emails wishing female colleagues best of luck for the maternity leave.

(Before giving birth)

Date: ________

(Name of the Female Colleague)

Dear ________,

I am glad to hear about the good news.

I hope and pray that everything goes well with the birth of your child. I am sure you will be a great mother when the time comes.

I heard you are taking leave until (Month) for maternity. Please take utmost care of yourself during this period.

You have appropriately delegated your work to others, who would take care during your absence. While you are working from home in the initial leave period, I hope you will not take too much stress. Please let me know if I can be of any help.

I am hopeful everything is going to be fine. Best wishes!

Take care and see you soon. 

Best regards,
(Your Name)

(After giving birth)

Hey ________,

Congratulations on your newborn baby!

May the birth of your child bring you lots of happiness and sweet memories!

I understand you are on maternity leave until (Month). Here at the office, your well-wishers have started missing you already.

Please do not strain yourself for any kind of work for next couple of months. Eat well, take rest and exercise only if necessary.

I am happy for you. I wish and pray for the good health of yourself and the baby.

I will drop by someday to see your adorable little one.

Have a blissful maternity leave! Take care.

Warm regards,
(Your Name)

Best Wishes Note for a Colleague Going on Maternity Leave
