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Congratulations to a Coworker on Winning Company Award

Awards are also given internally in an organisation to its employees and associates. Generally, these are awarded to complement them on their excellent performance for a particular period of time or a particular project.

congratulating a colleague on award
As a responsible coworker, you ought to congratulate your colleague who won such a company award.

In your congratulation message, you can also include words of encouragement so that he may continue to perform better in future as well.

Here is a format of such a congratulation message to a colleague for winning a company award. Modify it as necessary. Generally, such messages are given by email and not by letter.


Date: _________

(Name of the Colleague)
(Department Name)

Dear _________,

Many congratulations on winning the _________ award for your excellent performance in (Work description) for the _________ region in the year 20XX. You deserve the award so rightly.

I was hoping that you would be getting this award for your hard work and dedication that you had been pouring into the job. I have witnessed your tremendous determination and perseverance in carrying out the work to its end to achieve the goal for the benefit of our company.

We are all so very proud to have you as a teammate. I am confident that you would continue to keep up the good work and achieve excellence.

Wishing you all the very best and good luck in your work.

Congrats once again!

Best regards,
(Your Name)

Congratulations to a Coworker on Winning Company Award
