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Email/Letter for Authority Delegation during Leave/Absence

When you are going on a leave for a longer duration, it would be better if you delegate authority to a colleague entrusting upon him the duties and responsibilities you were supposed to carry out during the course of your job for the period of absence.

delegate responsibilities for the period of your absence letter
This delegation of authority can be done through written communication only either by a letter or by an email or any other written modes.

The delegation can be done to one or more persons. One may inform about the delegation to a few specific persons or a group of people.

Here are a few formats of delegation of authority during absence. Do appropriate changes.

(Common email to a group of people — delegation to more than one person.)

Dear All,

I am going on leave from (Date) until (Date) to attend to some of my personal affairs. During my absence, my colleagues as mentioned below will be handling my works on my behalf.

#1. (Name of the Colleague), (Designation), (Department), (Phone Number), (Email Id) for (Category of Work); and
#2. (Name of the Colleague), (Designation), (Department), (Phone Number), (Email Id) for (Category of Work).

You may contact them for any of your concerns or queries. I am sure they will carry out the responsibilities to the best of their abilities.

Please accommodate them in any way possible.

(Name of the Person)
(Name of the Organization)

(Specific email to a few persons — only one person is delegated with the authority.)

Hi .......... & ...........,

I will be out of the office from (Date) to (Date). I am going on a vacation with my family during this period.

In my absence, Mr./ Ms. ............................, (Designation) will be looking after my (Nature of Work). You can reach him/ her at (Contact Number), (Email Id) for any of your concerns.

I look forward to seeing you when I report to work.

(Name of the Person)
(Company Name)

(Formal Delegation Letter)

To Whomsoever It May Concern

I am hereby temporarily delegating my authority to (Name of the Person), (Designation), (Department) on the following matters only:

1. ...............................
2. ...............................
3. ...............................

He is reachable at phone number ................. and email id at .......................

He is entrusted to carry out the above mentioned duties and responsibilities during my absence from (Date) to (Date).

The authority given herewith is not subject to sub-delegation without my prior written consent. I reserve the right to revoke the delegated powers at any time by a written communication.

(Name of the Delegating Officer)

Date: ..............
Place: .............

Letter for Authority Delegation during Leave
