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Request Letter Enclosing Documents and Asking to Review

Sometimes a person may need to send some documents to another person for perusal and review before giving approval or for providing feedback on them.

sample letter of request for document review
Instead of just sending across the documents, a cover letter is also written and sent along with them.

In the letter, the sender briefly gives description about the documents enclosed and formally requests the recipient to review the documents and give his opinion or approval on them.

Here are formats of such cover letters and emails requesting for review of the document.

(Letter asking to review documents and provide comments.)

Ref: ..................
Date: ................

(Name of the Person)
(Organisation Name, if any)

Sub.: Documents on (Topic)

Dear .................,

We are enclosing herewith the documents on the (Describe the matter) as discussed during our meeting/ telephonic conversation on (Date).

Kindly review the following documents at your earliest convenience and please provide us with your comment, if any, on it.

1. (Name of the Document),
2. (Name of the Document), and
3. (Name of the Document).

Once the contents of the documents are finalized, we will be sending you the original printed copies for your signature.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
For (Name of the Organisation),

(Name of the Sender)

Encl.: As above

(Email asking someone to review documents.)

Dear ...................,

This is with reference to our discussions at the meeting held on (Date) on (Topic). I have attached herewith the following documents as discussed:

1. (Name of the Document), and
2. (Name of the Document).

Kind request to please review the documents and provide your feedback on them at your earliest convenience.

Upon receipt of your comments, we will be carrying out necessary changes to the documents and share again for final review and approval.

You may contact me at (Phone Number) if you have any questions or need any clarifications on them.

Thanks & Regards,
(Name of the Person)

(Letter asking to review agreement.)

Dear ..................,

Greetings of the day! I hope you are doing well.

I am attaching herewith a draft copy of the ............... Agreement for your review and comment.

Kindly review the terms of the agreement and please let me know if you are in concurrence with them or if it requires any changes.

I shall be happy to discuss any of your comments. Please contact me at (Phone Number).

(Your Name)

Request Letter Enclosing Documents and Asking to Review
