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Regret or Refusal Letter Declining a Request for Donation

A donation is formally requested for fulfilling some noble causes like medical and educational purposes. It could also be for many other reasons.

sample letter declining a request for donation
When someone has asked for a donation, one can either accept it and do the charity, or else he may decline it if he does not have the money for it, or if he does not support the causes behind it, or if he is simply not interested in it.

If you are going to decline a request for donation, you should not be rude about it. You can politely write a communication via a letter or an email informing that you will not be able to donate to the causes.

Here are the formats of regret letters refusing requests for donations or sponsorships.


Date: ................

(Name of the Person)
(Name of the Organization)

Reg.: Donation for (Purpose)

Dear Mr./Ms. ............,

Greetings of the day! I hope you are doing well.

I am in receipt of your letter dated ............. seeking donation for (purpose). I appreciate that your team is putting the effort to these kind and worthwhile causes. I wish and pray that it all goes well for you and the ultimate beneficiaries.

I am sorry to inform you that I will not be able to donate to the causes. I wish I could, but I am in such a situation that presently I simply could not be able to do it.

I will get in touch with you once I am able to do it in the future.

I hope you will understand my situation.

All the very best in your noble mission!

Kind regards,
(Your name)


Date: ..................

(Name of Person/ Organization)

Sub.: Charity for (Purpose)

Dear Mr./ Ms. .................,

Thank you for your letter dated ............ seeking a donation for (purpose).

We are honoured that you have chosen us to sponsor to these worthwhile causes.

However, we truly regret to inform you that we will not be able to go ahead at this point of time. As per our policy, we restrict our donation to a few selected causes only, and unfortunately, yours is not one of them.

We hope you will understand and appreciate our position on this.

We deeply admire the efforts your team is putting to these fine and honorable causes.

We wish you wholeheartedly all the very best in your mission.


For (Name of the Organization),

(Name of the Person)

Regret Letter Declining a Request for Donation
