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Surprise Retirement Party Invitation Letter Template Free

Retirement brings a mixed feeling in a person. A feeling of happiness that those decades of work-life is finally ending. You no more have to follow or worry about any office rules, timing or monthly target. There is a feeling of sadness as well because one has many emotions attached to its work and now life is going to change all of a sudden.

invitation to a surprise retirement party
Retirement parties are generally held on a day just a few days before the retirement date of the person, who is going to retire. Some people celebrate it after retirement as well.

Here are two formats of invitation letters to a surprise retirement party. First one is a lengthy format. Second one is a short and simple format. Modify it as needed with all necessary details.



You are cordially invited to a Surprise Party celebrating the Retirement of Mr. / Ms. .....................

Date:, of ........., 20xx

Time: Starting from ............. a.m. / p.m. (Lunch/ Dinner & Deserts)

Venue: (Mention here full details of the address where party will be held)

Attire: Casual

RSVP: By (Date)

RSVP to (and if have any questions):
Name: ...................................................
Telephone Number: ..............................
Email: ...................................................
Address: ...............................................

Route Map: (You can also include a screenshot from Google Maps to reach the venue of the party.)


Join us as we celebrate
(Name of the Retiree)
Retirement Party
on, of .........., 20xx
at ...... am/pm
at (Address).

Lunch/Dinner & Deserts.

RSVP to (Name) at (Contact Number).

Help us congratulate our dear friend on his/her retirement.

Let's party!

Surprise Retirement Party Invitation Letter Template Free
