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Employee Maternity Leave Announcement Email to Staff

When a woman employee goes on a maternity leave, either she herself or her boss should inform all other colleagues about this.

maternity leave email to colleagues sample
Since this is going to be a long leave, either her responsibilities will be assigned to some other staff or her temporary replacement will be selected.

Everyone concerned has to be informed about this so that he or she may contact the replacement for the work.

Here are examples of email announcements regarding employee maternity leaves.

(Pregnant employee writes emails to colleagues)

Hello All,

I would like to announce that I am going on maternity leave from (Date) until (Date). I have been informed that, in my absence, (Name of the Employee) will be taking over my duties and responsibilities. Hence, kindly contact him/her at (Email Id) and (Phone Number) for any kind of work that I was dealing with.

I hope everything goes well with my maternity. I seek your kind blessings in this journey of my life.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,
(Name of the Employee)

(Pregnant employee's boss writes emails to staff)

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce that Mrs. (Name of the Employee), (Designation) will be taking her maternity leave from (Date). She expects to join back service on (Date).

During the period of her absence from duty, (Name of Another Employee) will be assuming the responsibilities on her behalf temporarily. Hence, please contact her at (Email Id) and (Phone Number) for the concerned work.

Please join me in wishing her a healthy delivery and best of luck with her newborn.

(Name of the Boss)

Employee Maternity Leave Announcement Email to Staff
