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Apology Letter from Student to Teacher for Misbehavior

The behavioral expectation from a student is a lot in our society. Discipline and good conduct in the school is expected of them at all times. Any lapse in this leads to embarrassment for not only the students but also their parents.

how to write apology letter to teacher for misbehaving
If a student has misbehaved or talked in a rude way with any teachers either in the classroom or otherwise, then he must apologize personally and in writing as well.

The sincerity you show while apologizing to your teachers indicates how sorry you are for your actions, which were very hurtful.

Here are a couple of samples of apology letters to teachers for misbehaving in class.


Date: ________

(Name of the Teacher)
(Name of the Educational Institution)

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my deepest regret for my actions today in the classroom. I am very sorry for my misbehavior and for the words that I spoke out in anger. I was surely rude in talking. I have realized it must be very hurtful to you.

I apologize for responding to you in an inappropriate manner. I am going to try my best to have more self-control and not to repeat such instances again in the future.

Once again, I am sorry for my actions. I hope you will forgive me. I promise this will not happen in the future.

Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Student)
Class: ___ Roll No. _____


Date: ________

(Teacher's Name)
(School/College's Name)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please accept my sincere apology for my behavior and attitude in the class yesterday. I have realized that it was quite inappropriate and unacceptable. I am sorry that I lost control over my anger. Out of sheer annoyance, I replied to you in a hurtful manner, which I deeply regret. I hope you will be kind enough to forgive me for this.

I promise to improve my behavior and conduct in the classroom as a student and in general.

Once again, I am sorry for my behavior towards you.

Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Student)
Class: ___ Roll No. _____

Apology Letter from Student to Teacher for Misbehavior


  1. Thanks,this might have saved me

  2. Anonymous22 June, 2022

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  3. Anonymous15 July, 2022

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  4. This is very helpful! S

  5. Eva Murtuzali26 October, 2022

    Thank you so much I loved It I used 2 one

  6. This saved my life

  7. Thank you for this my teacher told me to write an apology letter or get a behaviour point

  8. Tnx so much for doing that

  9. Thanks 👍😊 very much

  10. This website helped me ALOT writing to my teacher

  11. Very helpful this is very good thanks 👍 fyi template #2 was the best


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