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Apology Message Letter for Vehicle Damage/ Car Accident

We commit mistakes in our daily life. If we hurt someone by such mistakes, either monetarily or emotionally, then we should apologize, and bear the cost of damage done to them to the extent possible.

apology letter for vehicle damage
One of the most common accidents that happen is vehicle accidents, especially in parking areas when someone is taking his vehicle out of the parking lot and by mistake bumped into another's vehicle.

While some people leave the scene instantly without leaving an apology note or paying for the damages, some people are decent enough to not only leave an apology note but also agree to pay for the repair charges.

Hereunder are few examples of such an apology note for vehicle damage.


Dear ________,

As you must have noticed by now - the scratches/ cracks on the _______ side of your (Vehicle name).

I am sorry to say that my (Vehicle name) by mistake bumped your (Vehicle name) on my way out of the parking area, which caused the inevitable damage.

I know you must be feeling bad about this no matter how small the damages are; I would feel the same way if I were you.

Please note that I shall be happy to pay for the cost of repair of the said damage. My mobile number is __________. I can be reached at any time between ____ a.m. to ____ p.m.

Once again, I deeply regret that this accident happened. I look forward to speaking to you.

(Name of the Person)


Dear Owner of ________ Car,

I am sorry my car accidentally bumped into your car while I was taking it out of the parking space.

I see the accident has caused some minor scratches on the left/right door.

I am leaving my number here. Please call me up for getting the payment on the same for the repair cost.

I am truly apologetic on the fault of mine. As I am a little busy now, I am not able to wait for your arrival and have to leave.

Please feel free to call me anytime, I assure you to pay the necessary payment for this unwanted inconvenience to you.

(Name of the Person)
Contact: ________


Dear Stranger,

I would like to sincerely apologize to you for accidentally hitting your car this morning. I woke up late today and had to rush to work for an urgent meeting. I was in a little hurry and when I tried to reverse my car, by mistake it crashed into your car's headlight.

Please excuse me for my fault. I agree to reimburse the repair cost of the damage. Please contact me at (Phone Number) anytime during the day.

I promise to be extra careful and responsible while driving. Once again, I am truly sorry.

(Name of the Person)

Apology Message by Letter for Car Accident
