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Acceptance of Offer Letter for Job by Email Reply Template

After a successful interview with the candidate, the company selects the most suitable candidate for the position. Then they send him an offer letter for the job position along with the details of job title, salary and other benefits, job location and information on any other terms of employment.

job offer acceptance mail sample
The candidate should accept the terms of the offer letter if it is agreeable to him. He then needs to send an acceptance mail in reply to the mail of the company.

If he has any queries on the offer letter, then he can reply to it with his questions in a polite manner.

It is very important that the candidate reply to the mail as soon as possible and join the company on the date indicated.

Here are the samples of acceptance mails in reply to job offer letters.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your offer for employment.

I am pleased to accept the position of (Job Title) in (Name of the Organisation).

I understand my starting salary will be CTC __________ p.a. I am fine with the same. I look forward to starting employment on (Date).

I agree to all other terms of the offer letter and the attachments therewith.

As required, I am providing the following information:

  Official joining date: _________
  Aadhar card number: __________
  Email id: ____________________
  Blood group: ______
  Mobile number: _________

If you need any more information from me, kindly let me know.

Thanks and regards,
(Name of the Candidate)


Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to thank you for offering me the position of (Designation). I am delighted to have received the opportunity to work for (Company’s Name). Please consider this mail as my formal acceptance of your offer. 

I am fine with the starting salary amount along with other benefits as mentioned in the offer letter. I look forward to beginning work and meeting the team on (Date).

I am enclosing herewith the scanned copies of the required documents. If there is any paperwork pending from my side, please let me know.

I agree to abide by the terms and policies of the company. I look forward to making significant contributions in achieving the goals of the company.

Again, thank you very much.

Kind regards,
(Name of the Candidate)
Mob. __________

Acceptance of Offer Letter for Job by Email Reply Template
