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Apology Letter to the Principal for Breaking School Rules

It is very important for a student to follow the rules of the school and not to break them. It may result in suspension from the school. It also creates a bad image of the student. It raises questions on the upbringing by his parents.

apology letter to principal for breaking school rules
If the student has committed a mistake, then he should apologize to the concerned teacher or to the principal of the school/college as soon as possible.

With the apology, he must vow and commit himself not to make the same mistake again. If the principal does not find his apology to be sincere enough, then he may take strict action against the student.

Here are samples of apology letters from students to the principal for breaking school rules.


Date: ________

The Principal
(Name of the School)
(School Address)

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am truly sorry for my behavior today. I was tampering with the equipment of the school, which I later realized to be against the rules of the school and is prohibited.

I sincerely regret to have done the same. I promise not to repeat such incidents in the future. I kindly request you to forgive me. The punishment may please be reduced.

I would strive hard to uphold the name and image of the school. I would follow the rules of the school at all times.

Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Student)
Class: ___ Roll No. _____


Date: ________

The Principal
(Name of the School)
(Full Address)

Sub.: Apology for breaking school rules

Respected Sir/Madam

I would like to sincerely apologize for breaking one of the rules of the school. I understand my behavior in the school on (Date) was not appropriate. Impulsively, I created disturbance in the class, which is against school rules.

I understand how bad it looks on me. I deeply regret my actions. I promise I would endeavor to follow all the rules and regulations of the school to the letter and spirit as well.

I request you to kindly forgive my fault this one time and give me another chance to prove my worthiness.

Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Student)
Class: ___ Roll No. _____

Apology Letter to the Principal for Breaking School Rules


  1. Thanks so lovely

  2. Anonymous18 May, 2023

    Not so povely

  3. Anonymous06 July, 2023

    I love it
    It really helped me out with my assignment 😀😀

  4. What would be the letter for creating confusion and misunderstandment?


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