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Apology Letter to Customer for Wrong Invoice/ Billing Error

Errors in billing happen on many occasions. The important thing is to cross check each invoice regularly, find any errors in them and rectify such errors immediately.

apology letter to client for sending wrong invoice
The errors in invoice could be of different types viz. wrong amount inputted for quantity of goods or the rate or the total value, error in delivery dates, error in description, error in invoice number or terms of payment, errors in tax amount, etc.

As soon as you find out the error in the bills sent to your clients, you should write to them apologizing for the mistake. You can send them new bills and ask them to consider the old bills as cancelled.

Here are samples of apology letters to customers for billing errors.


Ref: _________
Date: ________

(Name of the Customer)
(Full Address)
Tel: __________

Sub.: Error in billing

Dear Ms./Mr. ________,

This is with reference to the invoice bearing number ________ dated ________, which was sent by us to you on (Date). We just noticed there is an error in that.

While inspecting the invoice, we found that we have over-billed you by an amount of ________. We had billed you for the supply of (Volume), (Product Details) on (Delivery Date), whereas the actual supply was (Volume), (Product Details).

Therefore, we are sending you across a fresh invoice no. ______ dated ______ in lieu of that. Kindly cancel the erroneous invoice in your records and update the new one.

Our sincere apologies for sending you a wrong invoice. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. We assure you that we would try to be more careful while billing and avoid any trouble to you in the future.

Please feel free to contact me at (Phone Number) in case you have any queries in this matter.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Kindly acknowledge the receipt.

Yours faithfully,
For (Name of the Organisation),

(Name of the Employee)

Encl.: As above


Ref: ________              Date: ________

(Name of the Client)
(Official Address)
Tel: _________

Sub.: Error in billing
Ref: Invoice no. ________ dated ________

Dear Ms./Mr. ________,

Thank you for your letter vide ref no. ________ dated ________ with regard to the erroneous figures in invoice no. ________ dated ________.

We have verified our records and found that you are right in your findings. There is indeed an error in the invoice. The quantity of goods billed should have been (Volume) instead of (Volume) and, therefore, the total amount of billing for that should have been (Amount) instead of (Amount).

We feel embarrassed for this unintentional mistake and we deeply regret the inconvenience caused to you. Please accept our sincere apology. We will try to be very careful in the future billings.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in the matter.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt.

Yours faithfully,
For (Name of the Organisation),

(Name of the Employee)

Encl.: As above

Apology Letter to Customer for Wrong Invoice
