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Resignation Letter due to Corona COVID-19 Pandemic

Coronavirus has brought upon greater risks on our lives. Much risks lie ahead for the people at work, who have to meet customers, suppliers and other persons in order to complete their tasks.

immediate resignation letter due to covid 19 pandemic sample
Some of the employees and associates are not willing to take such health risks. Hence, some of them are quitting their jobs to save their lives. They try to go into jobs, which have work from home options.

Here are examples of such resignation letters.


Date: _________

(Name of the Officer)
(Name of the Department)
(Name of the Company)

Sub.: Resignation from the post of ____________

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as (Designation) of (Company Name) effective from (Date).

I am resigning due to the present COVID-19 pandemic situation, as this job profile does not have a work from home option. When I come to office and carry out field visits throughout the day, it increases the chance of getting the coronavirus from others. Hence, I am quitting in order to avoid such risks.

Thank you for the opportunity given to me! I have enjoyed working for this esteemed organisation. The experience gained from working here has helped me in my professional and personal development.

Kindly accept my resignation and relieve me from my duties.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Employee)


Date: ________

(Name of the Employee)
Mob. ___________

(Name of the Boss)
(Department Name)
(Organisation Name)

Sub.: Resignation from the post of ___________

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please accept this letter as notice of my formal resignation from my position of (Designation) of (Name of the Organisation).

As required under my employment contract, I am hereby serving the ___ days' notice period. Hence, my last date of employment will be (Date)

I am resigning due to the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic situation. Because of coronavirus, everybody's health is greatly at risk now. My job entails me to meet with various people every day. A work-from-home option is not available for me. Therefore, in order to avoid the risk of contracting the coronavirus, I have decided to quit the job.

I thank the organisation for the opportunity given to me to serve it. I am grateful for the guidance and support given by you throughout my tenure.

I will complete the handover formalities in due time. Kind request to please accept my resignation and relieve me from my duties. Would appreciate to receive an experience certificate for my period of association with the organisation.

I wish the organisation all the success in its future endeavors.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Employee)

Resignation Letter due to Corona COVID-19 Pandemic
