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Resignation Letter without Notice Period due to Illness

Employees are required to serve notice period before resigning from their positions. This notice period usually ranges between 1 to 3 months.

resignation letter without notice period due to illness
The employer may entertain immediate resignation without any notice period under special circumstances, viz. severe health problems, family issues, etc.

The employer may ask the employee to produce genuine proof of the disease from which he is suffering in order to accept his resignation without notice period. You should cooperate with the employer as much as possible.

Here is a format of a resignation letter with immediate effect without notice period.


Date: ________

(Name of the Employee)
Mob. ________

(Name of the HR Officer / Boss)
(Department's Name)
(Company's Name)

Sub.: Resignation from the position of _________

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hereby tender my resignation from the position of (Designation) for (Company's Name) with immediate effect.

As informed to you earlier, I was diagnosed with (Disease Name). I am presently undergoing treatment for the same. My doctors have strictly advised me to be very careful with my health and not to carry out any stressful work.

Hence, I will not be able to continue with my job here at the company any longer. I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience that this may have caused the company.

I thank the company for providing me the opportunity to work. I am also very thankful for your kind support and guidance during my tenure.

I would highly appreciate any help in processing my provident fund claim, gratuity claim and related matters as I may require the money on an urgent basis at any point of time.

I wish the company and its staff members continued success and a bright future.

Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Employee)

Resignation Letter without Notice Period due to Illness
