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Complaint Letter to Vendor/Supplier for Delay in Delivery

Timely delivery is an important factor in achieving customer satisfaction. Suppliers should endeavour to deliver the goods on time to their clients, so that their clients are able to deliver the goods to their customers in a timely manner.

sample complaint letter to supplier for delay in delivery
Any delay in providing goods to the ultimate consumers can result in loss of revenue, reduction in number of customers and bad reputation.

If the supplier is always delaying in his deliveries, then you should urge him to maintain timeliness in deliveries. Give him strict warning about this and let him know that if he does not ensure timely deliveries then you may stop ordering goods from him.

Here are samples of complaint letters to suppliers for delay in delivery.


Date: ...............

(Name of the Supplier / Vendor)
Tel: ....................

Sub.: Delay in delivery

Dear Mr. .................,

This is to inform you that the delivery against our purchase order no. ............... dated  ................. was actually received on (Date), which was required to be delivered on (Date) as per the terms of the said purchase order. There was a clear delay of ..... days in delivery.

Please note that we do not appreciate such late deliveries as it results in delay in servicing our clients, which deeply affects our revenue and goodwill.

We hope that you will ensure timely deliveries in the future.

Thank you for your understanding!

Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Officer)


Date: ...............

(Name of the Supplier / Vendor)
Tel: ....................

Sub.: Delay in delivery

Dear Mr. ..................,

We placed an order for (product) vide our order no. ................. dated ............... The delivery was due within .... days. Hence, it should have been received by (Date). We have also made an advance payment of (Amount) on (Date) towards the said order.

However, it has been over .... days now, and we have not received the ordered goods yet. Neither have you cared to explain the reason for the delay yet. Please note that the delay is causing business loss to us.

We need those ordered goods urgently to honor our commitments. Therefore, you are requested to deliver the goods at the earliest without any further delay.

Looking forward to your prompt action in this regard.

Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Officer)


Date: ...............

(Name of the Supplier / Vendor)
Tel: ....................

Sub.: Delay in delivery

Dear Mr. ..................,

We regret to inform you that we are very disappointed in your service lately. We have been in a business relationship over .... years now.

We have been noticing that the deliveries received from you are generally beyond the delivery dates as agreed under the purchase orders.

This is not only affecting us financially, but also resulting in customer dissatisfaction due to delay in servicing them or non-availability of goods on time.

We hope that you will take our concern seriously and improve the delivery performance in the coming days. The continuity in late deliveries in the future will strain our business relationship and may result in termination.

Looking forward to seeing some improvement in our next deliveries.

Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Officer)

Complaint Letter to Vendor for Delay in Delivery


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