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Request Letter for Extension/Amendment of Bank Guarantee

In order to amend the bank guarantee, the applicant must make an application to the bank with the details of the amendment to be effected.

extension of bank guarantee after expiry letter
The amendment can be of different types viz. extension of expiry/claim date, increasing the bank guarantee amount, change in address of the beneficiary, any other instructions, etc.

Here is an example of such a request letter to the bank for extension of or amendment in bank guarantee.


Ref: ________
Date: _________

The Branch Manager
___________ Bank
__________ Branch
(Office Address)

Sub.: Amendment/Extension of the bank guarantee ref no. ________.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I/We hereby kindly request you to extend/amend on my/our behalf and for my/our account a bank guarantee as per the following details:
 1) Bank guarantee number: ________.
 2) Existing bank guarantee amount: INR ___________.
 3) New bank guarantee amount: INR __________.
 4) New expiry date/period: _________.
 5) New claim date/period: __________.
 6) Name and address of the Beneficiary: ____________________.
 7) Instructions (If any): ________________________.

I/We am/are enclosing herewith consent letter from the beneficiary for the abovementioned amendment/extension.

I/We authorize Mr./Ms. ________________ bearing ID no. _________ to collect the amended bank guarantee and related documents on my/our behalf. Otherwise, you may deliver the amended bank guarantee to me/us at my/our registered address at (Full Address).

I/We authorize you to debit my/our savings/current account number ____________ (IFSC: _________) for commission/charges and margin money, if any, in this connection for effecting the requested amendment/extension.

Kindly do the needful and oblige.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Person/ Authorised Signatory)

Encl.: As above

Request Letter for Amendment of Bank Guarantee
