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Offer Letter Format to Candidate for Summer Internship

Many students and candidates apply for summer internships in different companies and firms. Upon selection, they are issued offer/acceptance letters in reply to their applications for internship.

summer internship offer letter sample
Such an offer letter mainly contains information on the tenure of internship, intern's designation, department where he will work, stipend amount, name of the reporting authority, terms for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses and details of confidential agreement to be signed.

Here is a sample of an offer letter to a candidate selected for summer internship.


Date: __________

(Name of the Candidate)
Mob. ________

Reg.: Summer Internship

Dear ________,

This has reference to your application dated _______ for a summer internship in (Name of the Organisation) and your interview with us on (Date).

Upon assessment, we found your qualification, skills and competencies to be satisfactory for the internship. You had performed well during your interview, which was impressive. We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected for a summer internship in our organisation.

During the period of internship, you will be designated as a "Summer Intern". You will work in the _________ department. Your reporting authority will be Mr./Ms. ____________, (Designation). The internship will be for a period of ___ months. You will be paid a sum of (Amount in figures) (Amount in words) per month as a stipend. Any other out-of-pocket expenses as may be incurred by you during internship will be reimbursed only after obtaining prior approval from your reporting officer.

After successful completion of your internship, you will be awarded a completion certificate. You shall submit a copy of your detailed project report to your reporting officer before the end of your internship. 

(Name of the Organisation) reserves the right to terminate your internship without any notice on grounds of breach of the terms and conditions of this letter, misconduct by you, breach of confidentiality, violation of rules and regulations of the organisation. If you want to discontinue the internship, you shall give a prior notice of 15 calendar days in writing to your reporting officer.

The detailed scope of your project and timeline will be provided to you on your first day of training. Please be punctual and honour the working hours strictly. Since you will come into contact with some confidential information of the organisation, you will be required to sign a Non-disclosure Agreement on the first day of training.

Kindly sign the duplicate copy of this letter as a token of acceptance of the same.

We wish you all the best for your internship.

Best regards,

(Name of the Officer)

Offer Letter Format to Candidate for Summer Internship
