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Letter to the Principal to Arrange a Trip to a Historical Place

Students can request the principal of their educational institute to allow them to visit a historical place for learning purposes.

letter to principal to arrange a trip to historical place
The principal can provide a written permission letter in this regard. The principal can give necessary instructions to make arrangements for the students to visit the historical places under the guidance of one or more teachers.

Here is an example of an application letter to the principal to arrange a trip to historical places.


Date: _______

The Principal
(Name of the School)

Sub.: Request for permission to arrange a trip to historical place(s).

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, we, the students of Class ___ of your school, beg to state that we are interested in visiting some historical places in our state for educational purposes. This practical exposure would broaden our level of understanding of historical places.

We think it would create an interest among us in exploring the topics of the History book of our Class. We have prepared a list of historical places, which we would like to visit. They are (1) _____________, (2) ___________, and (3) __________.

Therefore, we would like to request you to kindly arrange a trip to historical place(s). We shall be grateful to you for your kind consideration of our humble request.

Thanking you,
Yours obediently,

(Name of the Students)
Class ___, Section ___
Roll Numbers: ______

Letter to the Principal to Arrange a Trip to a Historical Place


  1. Good for exams😂, teacher must have to give marks it is so large.

  2. Anonymous25 May, 2023

    It is too good for exams ....teachers are always give full /good marks for if ❣️

  3. Anonymous30 May, 2023

    it is very helpful for me


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