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Sample Request Letter for the Replacement of an Employee

An employee may request to the higher authority for replacement of another employee in the company under different circumstances.

request letter for replacement of employee
Generally, it happens when an employee is poorly performing, and he has not been able to improve his performance after several warnings. A replacement request can also be placed for a retiring employee due to the necessity to fill his position immediately after his retirement.

Here are examples of request letters for replacement of employees in the company. Please modify them appropriately as necessary in your case.

(Request letter for replacement of an employee who is not performing well.)

Date: _________

(Name of the Officer)
(Name of the Company)

Sub.: Request for the replacement of an employee.

Dear Sir,

I would like to bring to your kind attention that the performance of (Name of the Employee) has not been satisfactory for the last ___ months. He works as a (Designation) in the ________ Department.

He has been warned about this several times. Proper motivation and guidance are also given to him from time to time to improve his performance. Despite these efforts, he has failed to make any significant changes in his performance.

A last warning notice on this issue was also served on him by a letter dated _______ and ___ months' time was given to upgrade his performance. However, no major improvement is seen from him.

Therefore, there is an urgent need to find a replacement for him. Otherwise, the performance of our whole department is being hampered. I hope you will do the needful in this regard as soon as possible.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Employee)

(Request letter for replacement of an employee who will retire soon.)

Date: _________

(Name of the Officer)
(Name of the Company)

Sub.: Request for the replacement of a retiring employee.

Dear Madam,

I would like to bring to your kind attention that (Name of the Employee), (Designation) will be retiring soon. Her employee code is ___________.

Her retirement is due on (Date). She is a good performer in our department. She has been sincerely performing her duties for years. We will all be missing her absence from the department.

A replacement will be necessary to immediately fill up her position after her retirement. It is an important position; hence, it cannot be left vacant for a longer period. Otherwise, it will adversely affect the output of our department.

Therefore, I kindly request you to do the needful in this regard to find a suitable replacement for her position.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Employee)

Sample Request Letter for the Replacement of an Employee


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