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Notice/Letter for Termination of Security Agency's Contract

Generally, an agreement contains a clause on termination, which has conditions on how and under what circumstances the agreement can be terminated.

how to write a termination letter to a security company
Most of the contracts specify that a party must give a notice in advance of his intention to terminate the contract with effect from a certain date. Notice of termination is generally given 30-90 days prior to effective termination date, but it may be more as mutually decided.

Here are samples of such notices for termination of contracts with security agencies. Modify them appropriately as needed in your case.

TEMPLATE #1 (Lengthy and detailed)

Ref: _________
Date: ________

(Name of the Officer)
_________ Department
(Name of the Security Agency)
(Office Address)

Sub.: Notice of Termination of Contract dated ________ for Security Services.

Dear Mr./Ms. _________,

In accordance with the Clause ___ of the agreement dated ________ between (Name of the Company) and (Name of the Security Agency), we hereby serve you with a notice of ___ days for our intention to terminate the aforementioned contract with effective from (Date).

Reason for termination: Your company was performing well in the initial few months. Thereafter, we started facing several issues on numerous occasions relating to the quality of the security personnel appointed, their behaviour with our staff and others, their inefficiencies in tackling various issues, the poor security control methods, and likewise. We had discussed these issues with your team several times. However, quality of the services failed to improve. Hence, we are compelled to take this decision.

You are kindly requested to raise an invoice for a full and final settlement of all pending dues. We will try to pay it off soon after reconciling it with our books of accounts.

Please extend your support in making a smooth transition to the newly appointed Security Agency when necessary. We shall highly appreciate your cooperation.


For (Name of the Company),

(Name of the Officer)

TEMPLATE #2 (Short and simple)

Ref: ____________                            Date: ___________

(Name of the Security Company)
(Office Address)
Tel. __________

Kind Attn.: (Name of the Officer), (Designation), ______ Dept.

Sub.: Notice of termination of the agreement.

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is with reference to the "Security Services Agreement dated _________" signed between (Name of the Organization) and (Name of the Organization).

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we wish to discontinue your services with effect from (Date). The aforementioned agreement shall stand terminated on the same day.

It was a pleasure working with your company. We are thankful for the services rendered by you and the support extended from time to time.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Officer)

Letter for Termination of Security Agency's Contract
