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Letter to the Principal about the Need of a Library in School

A library is an important source of information for students in a school. Every school should have at least one library. It not only helps the students to learn from a range of books on different subjects but also it creates a habit of reading among the students.

letter to principal for issuing books from library
If a school does not have a library, then a student or a group of students or their parents may make a formal application to the head of the institute for setting up a new library.

Here is an example of an application letter to the Principal requesting him to open a school library for the benefit of the students.


Date: ________

The Principal
(Name of the School)

Sub.: Setting-up of a library in the school.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am (Name), a student of Class ____, Sec __, Roll No. ___. I wish to draw your kind attention to the subject matter captioned hereinabove. 

The strength of our school is around (Number) students to my knowledge. Many of them come from a poor family background like myself, who can hardly pay for their syllabus books, school fees, and tuition fees. Such students also need other reference books to read to enhance their knowledge and do well in the exams.

Since they do not have enough money to buy other books to upgrade their knowledge, it would be very helpful for them if some of these academic related books were provided in a school library. Addition of other literature books to the library would also be useful.
Therefore, I humbly request your goodself on behalf of the students to kindly consider the application for opening of a library. I and other students shall be grateful.

Thanking you,
Yours obediently,

(Name of the Student)

Letter to the Principal about the Need of a Library in School


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