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Congratulations Letter to Employee on Promotion (Sample)

A message of appreciation on promotion can be very encouraging for a fellow employee. It is also a good professional gesture to leave such a message.

promotion congratulations letter from boss
Especially, when your boss encourages you to do something, it means a lot to you. Hence, all bosses should be a little encouraging from time to time in addition to being strict.

Here is an example of a congratulations message from the boss to an employee on his promotion. Please modify it suitably.


Date: ________

(Name of the Employee)
_________ Department

Dear ______,

Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion to (Designation)! I acknowledge the fact that your stellar performance constantly over a period contributed largely to this promotion.

Your enthusiasm and commitment to work in reaching larger goals inspire your colleagues and subordinates. Through your dedication and patience, you have achieved this great accomplishment. I am very proud of you.

I hope you will not let this success get to your head. I wish you all the very best that you will continue to strive for excellence at work and achieve greater success with time.

Yours truly,
(Name of the Officer)

Congratulations Letter to Employee on Promotion (Sample)
