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Letter for Placing an Order for School Furniture (Template)

There are always different assets and property requirements to run a school properly. One of such requirements is to have enough furniture because the students would need to use it a lot.

letter to order furniture for school
If you want to order furniture from any shop, then it is better to visit the shop and see the furniture and its quality first. Otherwise, if you can't make personal visits then ask for a product catalogs file in email, and only after checking everything along with the pricing, you should place an order.

Here is an example of such a letter to place an order for getting furniture for your school. Please modify it as per your need.


Ref: _________
Date: ________

The Manager
(Name of the Furniture Shop)
(Full Address)
Tel. __________

Sub.: Placing an order for purchase of furniture.

Dear Mr./Ms. _______,

Kindly refer to our discussion over the phone today. On behalf of our school, I would like to place an immediate order for the supply of the following set of furniture.

Letter for Placing an Order for School Furniture (Template)

Kindly ship the furniture to the following address: _____________________________.

As agreed over phone, I am sending herewith a demand draft bearing number ________ dated _______ of (Amount in figures) (Amount in words) as an advance payment towards the total purchase value. The rest of the amount will be paid immediately at the time of delivery.

Kindly ensure that the furniture set is delivered in good condition within ___ working days. Please send a proper tax invoice along with it.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For __________ School,

(Name of the Officer)

Enclosure: Demand Draft no. _________ dated ________.

Letter for Placing an Order for School Furniture (Template)


  1. Chandratapa Roy05 October, 2023

    Thank you for the sample of the letter. I used it. Helpful.


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