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Application Letter from an Employee to Employer for a Loan

When an employee needs some money urgently because of any emergency viz. medical treatment, marriage, children's education, vehicle purchase, etc., then he may request his employer to lend him some money. This happens when the employee fails to collect the money from any other source.

application letter format for loan from office
Not all employers agree to lend such money to the employee. Sometimes a company might have a policy not to loan money to any employee, and some other times, the company may loan the money subject to certain conditions.

Here is a sample of a letter for a loan application by an employee for a loan from the company for medical treatment of his relative.


Date: __________

(Name of the Officer)
(Name of the Organization)

Sub.: Application for a personal loan.

Dear Madam/Sir,

Respectfully, I beg to state that I have been a loyal employee of this esteemed organization for the last ___ years. I have performed my duties dedicatedly to the best of my abilities. I am in dire need of your help now. I hope you will consider my request favorably.

I would like to inform you that my father is suffering from _______ disease. He is now undergoing treatment at _________ hospital. I have already spent (Amount) on his treatment. The doctors estimated that another (Amount) might go into his treatment to recover fully.

I do not have sufficient savings now to meet the medical expenses. I have already tried getting money from all possible sources. However, I have not been able to collect the money required. I am enclosing herewith his medical reports for your perusal.

Hence, I kindly request that a personal loan with nil interest be sanctioned by the company to me for a sum of (Amount in figures) (Amount in words). The amount may be recovered from my salary amount in (Number) equal installments per month.

Therefore, I pray to your goodself to be good and kind enough to support me in time of need on an urgent basis. Our family shall be forever indebted for the help from the company.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Employee)
Employee code: _______

Application Letter from an Employee to Employer for a Loan


  1. Thank you for the application format. This was very helpful for me. I got the loan yesterday.


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