In case, you are out of town or preoccupied with other work, and you are unable to collect the parcel sent by post addressed to you, then you can authorize someone in writing to collect the parcel on your behalf from the post office.
You can write a simple letter clearly mentioning the details of the parcel, and the details of the person who will collect the parcel. You can provide your ID proof photocopy through the authorized person for verification purposes.
Here is an example of such an authorization letter for collecting a parcel from the post office on behalf of someone.
Date: _________
The Postmaster
_______ Post Office
Sub.: Authorization to Collect a Parcel.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am (Full Name), a resident of _____ village, ward no. ___. Someone has sent a parcel to me by registered/ speed post under a consignment number _________ on (Date).
I hereby authorize the following person whose specimen signature is duly attested hereinbelow:
Name: _____________
Signature: _________
Aadhar: ____________
I am enclosing herewith a self-attested copy of my Aadhar card for my identity and address verification purposes. I kindly request your goodself to please have the parcel handed over to the above-named person.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Name of the Person)
Mob. _________
Thank you. Very helpful. Regards. V. M. Nair