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Authorisation Letter for Attending Bid Opening/Submission

An organisation can authorise one or more of its employees to attend the bid opening for any tender floated by any other organisation.

authorization letter to attend tender opening
Likewise, an organisation can authorise one or more of its employees to submit bid documents for any tender floated by another organisation. Such an authorisation must be done in writing.

Hereunder are the examples of such authorisation letters to attend the bid opening and to submit bid documents.

(Authorisation Letter for Attending Bid Opening)

Date: _________

(Name of the Organisation)
(Office Address)

Sub.: Authorisation for attending bid opening on (Date) in the tender vide no. _________ dated _________.

Dear Sir/Madam,

This has reference to your organisation's tender vide no. ______ dated ______ for the implementation of [Mention Purpose].

The following representatives are hereby severally authorised in order of preference given herein-below to attend the bid opening for the aforementioned tender on behalf of our organisation i.e. M/s. ____________ (the Bidder).

Authorisation Letter for Attending Bid Submission

Signature of Authorizing Authority
Name of Authorizing Authority
(Company Seal)

(Authorisation Letter for Bid Submission)

Date: _________

(Name of the Organisation)
(Office Address)

Sub.: Authorization for submission of online bid(s) for __________.


We have registered online as a bidder with your website at www.__________ for submission of online bid(s)/ application for ______________. Our Registration Number is ___________.

We acknowledge our acceptance of General Terms and Conditions of e-Auction and Buyer Specific Terms and Conditions as displayed on the aforementioned website.

I, (Name), in the capacity of (Designation) hereby authorize (Name), (Designation) to act on behalf of our company for submission of online bid(s) through your website at www.__________. He shall use his Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for such submissions.

On behalf of our company, I undertake to take full responsibility for the bid(s) / information submitted by the aforementioned person on the said website. We shall not hold (Name of the Organisation) responsible for any wrongful act committed by the aforementioned person during the online bidding process.

Thanking you,


(Name of the Employee)
(Affix Company Seal)

Authorisation Letter for Attending Bid Opening/Submission
