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Informal Letter to a Friend inviting for Summer Vacation (Format)

Summer break provides students with a valuable opportunity to unwind and make the most of their leisure time. It offers a chance to rejuvenate, bond with loved ones, and delve into novel pastimes or areas of interest.

write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend summer vacation with you
Some friends like to spend their summer vacation together by spending time under the sun, getting tanned, swimming together, trekking mountains, cycling, bike trip, spending time in the woods, picnic, etc.

Here is an example of how to write a friendly letter to a friend for making a plan for spending summer vacation together.


Date: _________

Dear (Name),

It has been quite a while since I last received any news from you. I am eager to know where you have been. I sincerely hope this letter finds you in the peak of your well-being. With the approaching summer season, I have been considering the idea of us spending the summer break together at my place in (City).

I will introduce you to all of my friends and immediate family members. Furthermore, I will take you on a city tour. We will spend some quality time in the afternoons near the (Place Name). Moreover, the weather during those days is going to be pleasant, thanks to the gentle winds.

I am thrilled at the mere idea of you and I spending the summer together after such a long time. There are many things I would like to share with you during our leisure hours, and I hope to hear the same from you. Please convey my warm regards to aunty and uncle!

See you soon!

Yours truly,
