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Sample Letter from Tenant to Renew Lease Agreement

Several landlords exclusively extend lease renewals to tenants who demonstrate responsibility by consistently paying their rent on time.

lease renewal email to landlord
By opting to renew your rental agreement, you can preserve your existing relationship with your current landlord, eliminating the need to familiarize yourself with new protocols and procedures.

Here is an example of a request letter from a tenant to his landlord for renewal of an existing lease agreement between the parties.


Date: ________

(Name of the Landlord)
Tel. _________

Sub.: Proposal for lease agreement renewal.

Dear Mr. ________,

This letter serves as a formal expression of my interest in renewing the lease agreement for the property located at (Address), which was executed on (Date) and which is due to expire on (Date).

My experience of using the leased property has been immensely gratifying, and I am keen on prolonging my tenancy for an additional ___ months/years.

As a tenant, I have consistently exhibited responsibility by ensuring timely rent payments, taking excellent care of the property, and strictly following all the guidelines and regulations outlined in the lease agreement. I sincerely hope that you have found me to be a dependable tenant who has met or even surpassed your expectations.

I am providing you with an advance written notice to inform you that I intend to renew the lease for another ___ months/years keeping same the terms and conditions outlined in the current lease agreement.

I am eagerly anticipating the opportunity to sign a fresh lease agreement and extend my stay at the property. Please let me know if any documents or information is required from my side.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.

Yours sincerely,
Your Name
