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Application Letter for Rejoining Job after Maternity Leave (Sample)

If your happiness or financial stability lies in returning to work, do not hesitate to do so. On the other hand, if you wish to take a break from work to fully focus on your baby, feel free to proceed. It is quite up to you.

how to write application for rejoining after maternity leave
If your plan is to resume working, it is more preferable to do it now rather than waiting a little longer. This way, both you and your baby can learn to effectively handle this situation together.

Here is an example of an application for joining duty after maternity leave.


[Your Name]
[Phone number]
[Email Id]


[Name of the Officer]
[Name of the Organization]

Sub.: Application for rejoining job.


I was working as a (Designation) in the (Name of the Department) of (Name of the Organization) on a part-time/full-time basis. I had taken a maternity leave for ___months with written permission from (Date) to (Date).

I would like to formally notify you of my intention to return to work on (Date). I look forward to resume my work as a full time employee in the same position i.e. [Title].

I am completely in good health now and fit to take on my duties as an employee. Please find enclosed a Doctor's note on my fitness for your kind perusal.

I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. I eagerly look forward to returning to work soon.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
